A major part of our committee's responsibility is fundraising. We have several events throughout the year:
January Jumble Sale
Easter Fayre
Bags 4 School
Quiz & Chips
Summer Party
Halloween Party
Christmas Jumper Day
Winter Festive Party
​What does the fundraising money go towards?
Last year we updated our outdoor area with a gorgeous new mud kitchen (always a firm favourite) and created a beautiful sensory garden. We have purchased some fabulous resources to extend the children's play, tin tubs and jugs of varying sizes for water play, easy use scissors, foam bricks for larger scale play, some wonderful wooden rocker balance boards and sensory matching games to name a few. We've also replaced our old storage unit outside and in partnership with Mens Shed Brundall, recently updated our outdoor planters so that we can continue growing our own flowers and vegetables.
In the future we hope to buy equipment to extend opportunities for physical play.
Our most recent purchase was a fabulous water wall providing endless fun and learning opportunities!
As usual we are relying on your kind generosity, ideas, enthusiasm and support for our events to be a success.
The more people we have the more the workload can be shared, every little bit really does help.
Please get in touch if you are able to support in any way.
Looking Ahead
We are very lucky to have an excellent supportive committee, which is essential in order for the setting to remain open and for events to continue to run.
Do you have an aptitude for gathering people together?
Project management your forte?
A star at fundraising?
Is admin and organisation your speciality?
If so, why not consider being a part of Hemblington Pre-School Committee.
Click HERE to find out more.
We also fundraise by collaborating with a website called Easyfundraising.
It is a free-to-use website that collects commission from the shops you have purchased from online. They then turn that into a donation and give it to your chosen good cause at no extra cost!
To register and raise money for Hemblington Pre-School while you shop online, click the link below.